Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Postcard 34...Trade Being Arranged!

(Click on image to enlarge.)

This postcard was made from a piece of fabric paper created from late 18th and early 19th century foreign text fragments, handmade and marbled papers with polymer emulsion and metallic inks on unbleached muslin. To it were added commercially printed fabric, a piece of house painted upholstery material and a scrap of an old cross stitch based on the 6th century mosaics in Ravenna's San Vitale church in Italy...plus a button.

The reverse is a piece of peach colored silk signed and dated in free motion machine embroidery.

I'm thrilled to be trading with Fannie who blogs here and here. Fannie also blogged about our trade here.


Fannie said...

Hi, Cyber Fyber. I would like to trade with you. The historical media used in the creation of this postcard is interesting. Thanks.

Cyber Fyber said...

Thanks so much for your nice comment. I'm thrilled to be trading with you. Thanks for your interest and support.